Page 151 - ISC Dubai Yearbook 2019 - 2020
P. 151
Mohammed Al Hashimi
Major/Goal: Electrical Engineering
Well, the last 14 years sure didn’t fly by. Exam after exam, but now, it’s all finally over. First, I’d
like to thank all of my friends who stood alongside me during this stage of my life. But most
importantly, I’d like to thank my parents who offered me unwavering support throughout my life.
It’s going to take some time getting used to the fact that I won’t be doing the same routine I have
been for the past 14 years. Looking back, I was really excited to finally graduate and achieve the
freedom I wanted so dearly. But now, I just don’t want the year to end and for everyone to go their
own separate ways. But life goes on. It’s a forceful current that we have no choice but to follow
and see where it leads us. I’m going to miss our dull, but comfy uniform. What I’d give to sit one
more day in it.
Mohammed Al-Hashimi
Major/Goal: Artificial Intelligence
Personal Message: It’s been an amazing and an unforgettable journey for the past 13 years. From
gloomy days to joyful moments, it was a time filled with countless memories. I would like to
thank all the teachers who pushed me through difficulty and hardship, my friends for always
supporting me, and my family for always standing by me through good and bad times. It has
given me a family that I needed, wanted, and, most importantly, that I have loved to the very end
of these incredible years, and who will continue to take residence in my heart. Thank you for all
the memories you have given me throughout the years and I can’t wait so see what you will all
accomplish in the on-coming years.