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Digital                           MA             Financial Crime &
            MSc Marketing                                                       Criminal Justice

             Duration: 3 Acad. sem. or 2 Acad. sem. + thesis ECTS: 90  Duration: 3 Acad. sem. or 2 Acad. sem. + thesis ECTS: 90
             The MSc in Digital Marketing aims to promote students’   The MSc in Information Systems and Digital Innovation is an
             professionalism in a world, where organisations and businesses   innovative and multidisciplinary programme with the
             face complex problems, and in parallel to promote students’   objective to integrate the knowledge about the design and
             critical and cutting edge thinking in modern challenges and   development of Information Systems with the disruptive
             research  trends  of  digital  marketing.  The  field  of  digital   technologies of Digital Innovation. Examples of such
             marketing is rapidly evolving along with market’s need of   disruptive technologies are Big Data, Internet of Things,
             professionals equipped with a contemporary knowledge   Artificial Intelligence, Block chain and Robotics. Nowadays,
             management tool-kit. To this extent, the programme aims to   technology has a massive impact on business operations. The
             equip students with tools and techniques of critical analysis   formula for business success is simple: drive innovation with
             and thinking in high degree of professional standards.   information technology. Realizing the challenges that
             Furthermore, the programme aims to advance students’   technology presents is the key to succeed your business goals,
             research skills towards applying them in real-life situations.  retain and raise the number of your customers in the process.
            LLM                International & European          MSc Sustainability Management
                                                                                  Environmental Impact
                               Business Law
                                                                                  Assessment &

            Duration: 3 Acad. sem. or 2 Acad. sem. + thesis ECTS: 90  Duration: 3 Acad. sem. or 2 Acad. sem. + thesis ECTS: 90

            The Master of Law provides up to date knowledge in a number   The Programme aims at providing advanced knowledge to
            of  legal  areas  that  make  up  the  field  of  International  &   those, whose objective is to become expert professionals
            European Business Law, such as trade law, competition law   and leaders, either in the public or private sector. The EIASM
            and regulation, energy law, banking and securities law. In   Programme brings together theory and practice and
            addition, the Master of Law in International and European   includes exposure to the latest methods, procedures and
            Business Law (LLM) equips lawyer or graduates with relevant   techniques  used  in  the  field  of  environmental  impact
            background such politics and economics with analytical,   assessment, as well as various technological solutions
            accountability, and leadership skills to enhance their   necessary for the purpose of environmental protection and
            decision-making ability and to promote organisational
            well-being within the context of a continually changing and   compliance, all in a learning environment supported by the
            competitive International and European legal environment.   most advanced educational technologies.
            This is emphasized by methods such as audio and video
            recordings while students are analyzing a given audio
            recording and submit a report.
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