Page 36 - In The Year 2021 - 22-11-20
P. 36
10/05/20. Anyone that reads my posts will be well aware of my political views ......some will agree , some will
disagree, some will think I'm a total left wing socialist cunt.....and worst still a champagne socialist
cunt.......with only negativity and blame to hand out. That's OK because I am a total left wing socialist
cunt.....and worst still a champagne socialist cunt.........but I am also a loving, caring, socialist cunt that simply
wants a caring fairer society.
I regularly post very controversial and possible offensive posts. Why? Because In my own wee world I want
people to react and debate .....and be angry....with me ....or the establishment ...but in the main ...THINK FOR
YOURSELF and don't be led by the Establishment media attempts at brain washing us.
FFS our Referendums, our Elections , everything that affects our lives is now bought and paid for by
We are now engulfed by the greatest threat to humanity the world has known.......but some people are still
relying on complete capitalist morons to lead us. PLEASE THINK FOR YOURSELF.....and us
10/05/20. So in England the bad news is you still can’t sit in an empty park, observing social distancing , not
using cash, not using card machines, not touching door handles.......but the good news is from tomorrow you
can now crowd into a garden center to buy a fucking garden gnome. Definitely an essential journey?.
10/05/20. So the world debt is Trillions and Trillions of Dollars or Pounds......who the fuck are we due the
money to....Aliens?
Right here's my proposal for economic recovery.....we form the World Advisors for National Key Economic
Recovery.....WANKER's and appoint me as Senior Wanker .....we wipe out every single debt and start again.
Everyone over 16 gets a national minimum wage of £30,000 but they must spend savings or offshore
accounts......spend spend. Pubs, shops, taxis will be mobbed ...everyone wins? easy when you have a brain eh?
11/05/20. Sturgeon on GMB...Honest, clear, credible and statesman like every aspect the opposite of
11/05/20. Breaking news....latest clear and concise advice from Boris The The Hokey Cokey
You put your left arm in
Your left arm out
In, out, in, out
You shake it all about
You do the hokey cokey corony
And you turn around