Page 113 - Lockdown Diary
P. 113
Scott Chuckle
we are going to invite all my friends.
There's only a couple of things I've still to
pick up .......first thing is a girlfriend.........
Scott Chuckle
Have you tried the morgue? 14:29
Tommy Tank
Dead funny 14:31
Winton Chuckle
Good enough for Jimmy Saville. 14:48
Scott Chuckle
Winton Chuckle Another miner! 14:50
Video 14:09
Tommy Tank
Anyone know if Samaritans do Home
Delivery? .....................and I don't want a
depressed cnut to have a twosome with....I'm
worried about about my mental health and
drinking habits. Two days running I've
decided to treat myself to my first lockdown
G n T.......but came back without the gin
Today was the worst though....I bought the
tonic and the ice and forgot the Gin........and
Scott Chuckle I've had my once a day walk.
So any Good Samaritans out there? In fact
Video 14:12 I'm willing to change the criteria for any
ladies up for some lockdown
nookie.......forget own teeth and a pulse........
it's now own purse and a carry oot....
Keith Bawbag
Tommy Tank bfJRr 19:37
Nice ones guys.... 14:17
MAY 10, 2020
Guys me and my beautiful girlfriend have
decided a er lockdown is over we are going
to get married on a Caribbean beach