Page 121 - Lockdown Diary
P. 121

Tommy Tank                              Eric the Hun

          Scott Chuckle

                                    16:23                                       14:30
                        MAY 16, 2020                   Eric the Hun
                                                       Obviously done mean Scott .  14:31
               Dode the Sodge
               So use cunts are having quizzes on a  Scott Chuckle
               Thursday night ....... where was my zoom call  Or Heather I hope!
               ????? I’m stuck up a fuckin mountain talking                14:33
               to the deer    and all you ballers are having
               your wee quiz .                         Tommy Tank
               I blame that we cunt Scott always been a
               wanker thank you for the heads up he who  I'm saying nothing Dode the Sodge
               shall not be named .      14:26         Buddy.....but has exact words were "one
                                                       ginger cunt is enough in the quiz" he then
                                                       made some comment about you preferring
          Keith Bawbag                                 Pete in the bog to Heather in the hills
                                                       .....fucked if I know what the Specky Ginger
          Nae bother Dode... oops   14:28              Cunt was on about.....   15:29

          Scott Chuckle                                Dode the Sodge
          Fuck off. Can you no take hint.   14:30       Ha ha ha brilliant as ever Tommy  15:32

                                                       Tommy Tank

                                                  Scott Chuckle
                                                  You can away and slap Alex Salmonds ba's in
                                                  yer mooth!               15:35

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