Page 142 - Lockdown Diary
P. 142

Tommy Tank                             Dode the Sodge
                Video                 20:32         Fuck off ya cunt          09:29

                                                    Tommy Tank
                                                            feeling the love Dode...  09:30

                                                    Dode the Sodge
                                                    Lol I would but to far lol  09:31

                     MAY 30, 2020              Scott Chuckle
                                               But I thought you Hibbie bastards would
                                               walk 500 miles           09:32
            Dode the Sodge
            Eric 12 foot gimmies are not a thing except
            for you and Bawbag. When the 2 off you are  Tommy Tank
            on the first tee humming the Sash I knew I  Dode the Sodge...I promise I'm going to
            was fucked .              08:23         arrange a w/e trip for the boys up to your
                                                    place..... check your diary and let me know
                                                    when you wont be there ya ginger cunt......
            Eric the Hun                                                     09:35
            Correct                   08:36
                                               Scott Chuckle
            Tommy Tank                         For that non starter all year!!  09:37
            Ah remember Ginger Specky Cunt giving the
            other half of The Non Chuckle Brothers a
            gimmie.................on his backswing on the  Tommy Tank
            tee....                   09:14         Scott I'm in Stockeree so we could meet up at
                                                    one of your regular haunts.........Trinity
                                                    Primary School playground?
       Scott Chuckle                                                         09:40
       And I remember you giving your bead rattlin
       partner, Eric, a blow job on the eleventh!!
                                               Keith Bawbag
                                                  Video                 09:41
            Tommy Tank
            Ya dirty lying bastard you've crossed the line
            this was the twel h.........

       Scott Chuckle

            Tommy Tank
            Anyone up for a Soshul Distang Singh beer in
            a garden or park?         09:28

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