Page 171 - Lockdown Diary
P. 171
Dode the Sodge Scott Chuckle
You no answer your texts Bawbag 09:49
Billy the Bhuddha
he is busy working, on the crossword 09:50
Dode the Sodge
He’s a prick Billy 09:50
1 down !!!
Clue - bigprick
5 letters 09:51
Keith Bawbag
Dode, I’ve got a new phone and some texts
and calls are going to my old phone 09:55
Dode the Sodge
Shite excuse 09:56
Eric the Hun
Agree George. Fucking arse .Imagine no
being able to work your phone in this day
and age .!! 11:13
Keith Bawbag 12:30
Fuck off! 11:16
Tommy Tank
And you! 11:16
Where's the hairspray? 12:32
Tommy Tank
Specky Ginger Kunt's obviously forgot how to
use his.......YES! 11:18