Page 242 - Lockdown Diary
P. 242
Tommy Tank Scott Chuckle
Do you remember that 747 that crashed into
the block of flats in London? Some cnut le
their landing light on... 19:40
Tommy Tank
Do you remember that 747 that crashed into
the block of flats in London? They recovered
the black box. Pilots last words "FFS I
thought you said look out for that flock of
bats 19:47
SEPTEMBER 27, 2020
Billy the Bhuddha
Video 14:18
Tommy Tank
Dode the Sodge
Are you there now ??????? 16:00
Scott Chuckle
Yes, I'm here 16:00
Dode the Sodge
Let’s have a beer 16:00
Tommy Tank
Are you near a Primary School
Playground....? 16:01