P. 23
Chapter 3
A. Evaluation questions
1. What is a Text Procedure!
2. Explain correctly and briefly the structure of the procedure text!
3. Describe the features of the text procedure!
4. Mention the types of procedure text!
5. Mention the language rules of procedure text!
B. Answer key
1. Procedural text is a text that contains ways and objectives for making or doing
2. There are 3 procedural text structures
1) Aim. The goal is what you want to do in the procedure text.
2) Material. Materials are tools, ingredients, or things that need to be prepared to
make something.
3) Steps. The steps are the stages or processes to make something.
3. Characteristics of Procedure Text
1) Contains active verbs.
2) Is universal, aka everyone can follow it.
3) Contains the stages or sequence of activities to do something.
4) Using adverbs that state details of time, place, size, and so on.
5) Using imperative sentences, either asking or forbidding. Example: 'pour out',
'don't', 'insert', and so on.
6) Use conjunctions or connecting words to connect each stage. Example: 'next',
'after that', 'then', and so on.
Procedure Text IX Page 18