Page 1 - MUJIB100- Magazine on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
P. 1
This is surely a supreme na onal
tragedy for you (people of Bangladesh).
For me, it is a personal tragedy of
immense propor on.
- Harold Wilson,
Former Prime Minister of the UK
The Poet of Poli cs
Tall for a Bengali (he stands 5 feet 11 inches), with a touch of graying hair, a
bushy moustache and altar black eyes, Mujib can a ract a crowd of a million
people to his rallies and hold them spellbound with great rolling waves of
emo onal rhetoric. He is a poet of poli cs. So, his style may be just what was
needed to unite the classes and ideologies of the region.
- Newsweek, 5 April 1971
Consulate General of Bangladesh, Sydney