Page 118 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 118

World Language

               learn about the culture and political              Spanish 1
               geography of Italy and are presented with          Grades 9-12
               much new vocabulary.  Most discussions are         Course Number 523
               done in the language to increase language          Full Year Course - 1 credit
               usage. The students write original                 Prerequisite:  None
               compositions. (Honors curriculum will be           Estimated Fee:  $18.00
                                                                  Recommended For:  College Bound
               available.  Please see your counselor and/or       Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               your World Language teacher for details.)
                                                                  Spanish 1 is a study of the basic structures
                                                                  of Spanish which contribute to the
               Italian 4 Honors                                   development of listening, speaking, reading,

               Grades 11-12                                       and writing abilities.  Basic material is
               Course Number 539                                  presented and designed to develop the
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        student’s ability to understand the spoken
               Prerequisite:  Italian 3 and Recommendation        word.  Speaking skills are developed by
               Estimated Fee:  $18.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    imitating the teacher and through patterned
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P                               and free response drills in the text.  Reading
                                                                  skills are developed through dialogues and
               Italian 4 broadens the students’                   narratives.  Specific reading lessons
               understanding of the Italian language and          concentrate on grammar points and
               culture by presenting graded reading               introduce new vocabulary.  Successful study
               materials.  Readings acquaint students with        of foreign language can lead to varied career
               aspects of Italian life and culture.  In order     opportunities, especially in business fields.
               to understand modern phrases and idioms,           It is suggested that students taking foreign
               the works of current Italian authors are           language should be doing satisfactorily in
               studied.  All discussions are in the language,     English classes.
               as is all written work.

                                                                  Spanish 1 Self-Paced
               AP Italian Language and                            Grades 9-12

               Culture                                            Course Number SP523
                                                                  Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Grade 12                                           Prerequisite:  None
               Course Number 540                                  Estimated Fee:  $18.00
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Recommended For:  College Bound
               Prerequisite:  Italian 4 Honors and Recommendation   Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               Estimated Fee:  $19.00 and A.P. Test Registration
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    Spanish 1 is a study of the basic structures
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P                               of Spanish which contribute to the
                                                                  development of listening, speaking, reading,
               This course is designed to provide intensive       and writing abilities.  Basic material is
               study in preparation for college placement         presented and designed to develop the
               tests.  During the year, students will             student’s ability to understand the spoken
               complete units of history, literature and          word.  Speaking skills are developed by
               review of major points of the grammar              imitating the teacher and through patterned
               learned in the preceding courses. Students         and free response drills in the text.  Reading
               enrolled in this course are required to take       skills are developed through dialogues and
               the A.P. exam in May.

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