Page 34 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 34

General Information

                                   Learning Options

               Courses at Mayfield High School are offered in multiple learning modalities. Not every course is
               offered in a non-traditional format. If a course is offered as a self-paced, on-line, or cross-curricular
               course, it will be identified in the course description.

               Traditional  –  Classes  meet  daily  with  students  present  in  all  class  meetings.  Instruction  is
               informed through daily formative assessments, classroom discussion, class work, and summative

               Self-Paced – Students can move through the course at their own pace. Self-Paced courses will
               have scheduled in and out of the classroom times with the teacher being available to the learners
               each day. The teacher identifies which days students are required to attend class. There will be
               structured guidelines for each week and students have the option to meet with the teacher during
               “non-mandated” days. Course content will be managed through an on-line Learning Management

               On-line – Courses are created by the MHS teacher. On-line courses mirror the content delivered
               in  a  traditional  course.  Course  content  is  managed  through  an  on-line  Learning  Management
               System. Teachers provide deadlines for assignments. Teachers have the option to require students
               to check-in at the teachers’ discretion.

               Cross-Curricular – Courses with interconnected curriculums are combined into one course that
               will meet for multiple class periods. Students will earn multiple credits for these project based

               The Option – The Option is a full-day, self-paced program for Seniors in the 2019-2020 school
               year. Students in the Option will take all core courses (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies)
               as self-paced courses. Each core teacher will deliver the content for these courses through our
               online student management system (Schoology). Students will have access to all of the content for
               each core course and will decide how to use their time to learn and master the content. Each student
               will have the ability to personalize his or her education. Every student will complete a capstone
               course which will allow the student to apply their knowledge and skills through project based
               learning. These projects will be authentic learning experiences, inspired by student interest or
               passion.  Students  will  also  have  the  opportunity  to  participate  in  an  internship  and/or  work
               experience to expose students to hands on experiences in a professional environment. Click on the
               link to learn more about The Option.

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