Page 80 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 80


               Mathematics 4                                      Financial Algebra CP

               Grade 12                                           Grade 12
               Course Number 361                                  Course Number 362
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  Mathematics 3                       Prerequisite:  Mathematics 2 and Teacher
               Estimated Fee:  None                                 Recommendation
               Recommended For:  College Bound or Technical       Estimated Fee:  None
                 Education                                        Recommended For:  Technical Education or College
               Career:  B,E,F,H                                     Bound
                                                                  Career:  A,B,F,P
               Mathematics 4 builds off of the concepts of
               Mathematics 3 but extends the study of rates       This course explores linear, quadratic, and
               of change, functions, trigonometry and             exponential equations, as well as
               sequences and series. This course includes         probability, geometry and other math topics
               an introduction to matrices and calculus.  A       through the realities of the stock market,
               graphing calculator is required for this           banking and credit, employment, taxes,
               course.                                            retirement, and budgeting.  The course may
                                                                  be taken as a senior level college
                                                                  preparatory class to fulfill the fourth year
               Mathematics 4 Option                               graduation requirement or as an additional

               Grade 12                                           mathematics course during a student’s
               Course Number OPT361                               senior year.  A graphing calculator is
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        required for this course.
               Prerequisite:  Mathematics 3
               Estimated Fee:  None
               Recommended For:  College Bound or Technical       Financial Algebra CP
                 Education                                        Option
               Career:  B,E,F,H
                                                                  Grade 12
               Mathematics 4 builds off of the concepts of        Course Number OPT362
               Mathematics 3 but extends the study of rates       Full Year Course - 1 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  Mathematics 2 and Teacher
               of change, functions, trigonometry and               Recommendation
               sequences and series. This course includes         Estimated Fee:  None
               an introduction to matrices and calculus.  A       Recommended For:  Technical Education or College
               graphing calculator is required for this             Bound
               course.                                            Career:  A,B,F,P

                                                                  This course explores linear, quadratic, and
                                                                  exponential equations, as well as
                                                                  probability, geometry and other math topics
                                                                  through the realities of the stock market,
                                                                  banking and credit, employment, taxes,
                                                                  retirement, and budgeting.  The course may
                                                                  be taken as a senior level college
                                                                  preparatory class to fulfill the fourth year
                                                                  graduation requirement or as an additional
                                                                  mathematics course during a student’s

                                                                  senior year.  A graphing calculator is
                                                                  required for this course.

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