Page 115 - Walter B. Gibson Knots And How To Tie Them
P. 115

      The KnoHed Ring

        As a perfect follow~up to "Knots
      that are Not," a bracdet or a curtain
      ring can be tied to the center of a
      cord, only to drop free when you pull
      the ends.
        Run the cord through the ring from
      left to right (fig.  1). Tie a loose over·
      hand knot above (fig. 2) and bring
      the right end below the ring, thrusting
      it through the ring as indicated by the
      arrow (fig.  Z).
        Carry the end under the cord, bring
      it up and push it down through the
      original loop as shown by the arrow
      (fig.  3). Pull the ends of the cord in           fig.  1
      opposite directions. The ring will
      drop from the co rd as the kno t
                                                   I           /
                                                   I         /
                                                   '- _ /'
                                                        fig. 2

                                                        fig.  3
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