Page 14 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 14
As educators in a Catholic institution, the faculty of Padua Franciscan High School firmly believes that no true education can take place unless the significant adults in a student's life are actively involved in the educational process. This means much more than merely paying tuition and seeing the student off to school each morning. It means setting high, yet reasonable, expectations for the student and insisting that he/she work to achieve these realistic goals. It means providing a quiet and private space in the home for study and insisting upon the completion of daily homework. It means knowing the student's teachers and communicating with them when necessary or useful. It means showing a personal interest in the student's academic achievements, offering compliments as often as merited, and reprimands when the student is not living up to potential.
To facilitate effective communication between parents and school personnel, it is expected that all parents will attend the following:
1) Meet the Faculty Night (September)
2) Parent-Teacher Conferences (November and March) 3) Meetings for:
a) New Parents/Host Families for all grade levels (August) b) Freshman Parents
● High School Expectations (September) c) Sophomore Parents
● College and Career Planning Night (February) d) Junior Parents
● College Planning Night (January)
● Individual Family Interviews (during 3rd Quarter) e) Senior Parents
● Parent College Forum (Late August)
● Financial Aid Information Night (October)
f) MedTrack Parents– At least once per grade level annually
Beyond this, we encourage all parents to become involved in one or more of our parent organizations as described later in this book.
At Padua, therefore, we strive to EDUCATE THE "WHOLE PERSON," and hence the partnership we seek with parents/guardians extends beyond the academic realm of a child's life.
As educators in a Catholic institution, we strive to teach and instill Christian values in all our students. These values must be hallmarks of the homes from which our students come if we are to be successful. We expect that our students will witness the living of Christian values within their own homes to support what we are trying to give them in school. This means the living of one's faith, regular attendance at Church, and the promotion of honesty, respect for others, justice, and peace. As a Franciscan school, we explicitly promote "Gospel values" and we want these values to be contagious in our student body and the homes from which our students come.
It is also important that parents/guardians spend time with their children as they pursue their individual interests. This means that they encourage their children to get involved in extracurricular activities and actively support their involvement by attending activities in which their children play a part. These activities are very important in the lives of teenagers and also enhance the Padua Franciscan community.