Page 15 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 15
It is the responsibility of the home to have students in regular attendance. In accordance with the Missing Child Law (ORC 3313.205), the following procedure will be effective.
When a student is absent from or tardy to school for any reason, notification by telephone or e-mail to the Attendance Office by a parent or guardian is required by 8:00 a.m. on each day the absence occurs.
Please be prepared to give the following information:
● Student’s name and grade
● Reason for absence
● Caller’s relationship to the student
● Phone number at which a parent or guardian may be reached
On the day of the student's return after absence, the student should report to the Attendance Office. The student will then be issued an “Admit Slip.” If a student is absent from class for any reason, he/she must present an Admit Slip or pass to the teacher the next time the student attends that class.
A student who is 18 years of age and living at home is considered under the jurisdiction of the home. The student may not write their own notes, email, or call to excuse themselves from classes.
Attendance Office
The Attendance Office is located in the General Office. Students who have been absent or are tardy must report to this room before reporting to class. Students who will be excused from school during the school day should also report to the Attendance Office to have their excuses validated.
Attendance Required for Credit
Attendance is required for credit; therefore, students may receive failing grades for excessive absences. Any student who is absent from school for more than ten days in a semester may receive no credit for that semester. This includes excessive absences for any one academic class period. Unless the school deems it an extenuating circumstance, no credit will be given to students with more than 20 school days absent per year. Excessive absences may result in dismissal from school.
Under normal circumstances, a student with an excused absence is permitted to make up all missed work. Students with excessive absences (excused or unexcused) or who are excessively tardy may be placed on Attendance Probation.
College Visits
Juniors and Seniors who desire to visit a college may do so during school time up to a maximum of six days total during their junior and senior year prior to May 1. A “College Visitation Permission Form” must be obtained from the Counseling Department in advance of the planned day of absence. Students submitting a properly completed Permission Form upon return to school will not have a college visitation day recorded as a day of absence. Students using more than five college visitation days, will be recorded as absent.