Page 30 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 30

 in the Bruin Shop. If a student is using a beverage container that is not permitted, the student will receive a detention.
CONCUSSIONS (See ATHLETICS: Sports Related Injury Policy, p. 15)
Counseling and advising services are available for every student in the school. These services include educational, career, and personal counseling, scheduling, testing, interpretation of test scores, etc. Both individual and group sessions are conducted. (See STUDENT SUPPORT GROUP, p. 58)
  Each student is assigned a counselor as follows: Class of 2025 and 2026
Mrs. Jordann Capone (A to K) Counselor to be named
Class of 2023 and 2024
Ms. Amanda Byrnes (A to G)
Mrs. Chestina Holly-Brown (H to N) Ms. Carol Bost (O to Z)
MedTrack Students Mr. Andy Shuman ’95
Each student’s "assigned" counselor is responsible for academic records,
reviews. For personal counseling, students should feel free to see the counselor they are assigned, or another whom they prefer, the Campus Minister, or to consult with any faculty member.
The Counseling Department is located on the first floor in the Administrative Services wing. Students are encouraged to arrange for appointments with the Counseling Department Manager before coming to counseling sessions. Students will receive a pass during their first period class of the scheduled appointment day. When counselors initiate appointments, they will try to make appointments during Study Hall time whenever possible. If a student has no Study Hall time, a counselor may have to schedule an appointment during a class. Teachers may decline these "class time" appointments if a test or quiz is scheduled for that class.
Through a special agreement, the services of a financial aid counselor from College Now, Greater Cleveland are available on select Mondays throughout the school year. Juniors, seniors and/or parents may make appointments by contacting the Counseling Department secretary. Topics can include the FAFSA and special circumstances that might impact financial aid awards, interpretation of financial aid award letters for seniors, and scholarship opportunities.
It is the belief of Padua Franciscan High School that the full Padua Franciscan experience includes the need to be an active and full-time student in our community. The State Board of Education enacted a program entitled Credit Flexibility. It will be the policy of Padua Franciscan High School to welcome applications under this program, which at Padua shall be referred to as “Credit Flex.” Requests for
 Ext. 113 Ext.
Ext. 126 Ext. 108 Ext. 125
Ext. 124
  scheduling, and credit

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