Page 31 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
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 credit under this program must be filed on the school’s appropriate application form through the student’s assigned counselor. The Principal of Padua Franciscan High School will approve individual Credit Flex plans upon consultation with the Administrative Team. Credit Flex options may include online/distance providers.
The Ohio General Assembly established the College Credit Plus (CCP) program to afford Ohio students the opportunity to obtain certain college credit concurrent with earning high school graduation requirements. Parents should note that CCP is not intended to be a substitute for the academic programs nor for the social growth and maturing experiences provided by Ohio’s high schools. For Padua Franciscan students, since we are chartered as a college-preparatory school with a full college preparatory curriculum, this program can be useful on occasion for students who are unable to schedule a particular course for one reason or another. Credits earned under the CCP will apply under the Credit Flex provisions as otherwise stated here. Padua’s policy concerning CCP is published in the current edition of the Padua Franciscan Course Catalog (available under “academics” at the Padua Franciscan website.) Details concerning CCP should be obtained from the student’s assigned counselor. As with Credit Flex generally, online courses offered by individual colleges may be considered for credit, providing the student meets all normal admissions criteria set forth by the respective college.
Credits earned under provisions of Credit Flex, including credits earned through College Credit Plus, will be calculated into the GPA as would any courses taken at Padua Franciscan. Credits earned would carry the same weighting as the equivalent courses offered by Padua Franciscan, i.e. courses taken in lieu of Padua honors-level and/or Advanced Placement courses would receive weighted credit as per Padua’s publishing grading scale. Thus, courses taken in lieu of regular classes will be calculated only as unweighted credit. Courses taken in the summer would be calculated as part of the first semester of the following year.
Advanced Placement (AP) credit, however, remains a high school endeavor; college credit earned via AP examination requires completion of the appropriate high school curriculum as approved by the College Board. As such, the AP program is another “advanced studies” option, distinct from and equivalent to CCP. Students may consider online providers as an alternate source of high school AP credit; Padua will still afford those students the opportunity to take the appropriate AP exam each May.
All courses required for graduation from Padua must be taken at Padua unless taken as part of an approved Credit Flex plan. CCP is the preferred option among the choices for Credit Flex. Credits earned via Credit Flex count toward graduation credit as well as being factored into a student’s cumulative grade point average. As a general rule, full-year courses at Padua are not recommended for completion under College Credit Plus. We do not encourage nor recommend night school courses during the regular school year. Credit Flex applies only to students currently enrolled at Padua Franciscan High School; credits earned in the 8th grade do not qualify under Credit Flex since they could not be prior approved by the Principal of Padua Franciscan- unless documented on a college transcript as a CCP course.
Students with even a tentative plan for playing Division I or Division II sports must be cautious about any courses under Credit Flex since not all providers, especially those offering online options, are approved for NCAA eligibility purposes. Students should seek clarification from their counselor as to the NCAA status for any Credit Flex courses and providers, including for summer school remediation of failed classes.

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