Page 38 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 38
● tampering with locks and security bars on school doors
● cutting classes (a double detention for each class cut)
● dress code violations
● improper bus behavior
● having matches or lighter on school premises (a double detention)
● arriving late to detention room
● failure to cooperate with parking lot and driving regulations
● failure to return school forms which must be signed
● excessive public displays of affection
● running in the halls and stairways
● eating outside the cafeteria
● taking food from the cafeteria
● bringing food or drink (including Padua sanctioned water bottles) to an assembly
● disrupting class
● tardiness to school or class (Tardy Detention)
● littering
● failure to inform the school on the day or days of absence
● not having paper and pen for detention period
● bringing backpacks or duffel bags to class
● not being prepared for class
● minor Chromebook infractions
● failure to return an elevator key
● ED (cell phones and other electronic devices) violation
● chewing gum during school
● failure to wear school ID (with the approved lanyard) while in the building
● inappropriate Lobby behavior
If the student receives six detentions, a warning letter will be sent home to the parents. This must be signed and returned by the parents to the Assistant Principal of Men or Women.
Detention Period (See also DISCIPLINARY POLICIES: Saturday Detention, p. 33)
The detention period is conducted daily. The period begins promptly at 2:35 p.m. and ends at 3:05 p.m. A student who has received a detention is to serve it the next day. Any exceptions to this are to be cleared with the Office of the Assistant Principal of Men or Women on the morning of the day the detention is to be served. No one is to presume a postponement; it must be obtained personally each
time. Failure to report for the detention period when expected is punishable by issuance of a double detention. The original detention as well as the double detention must be served. Failure to serve these detentions will result in a suspension.
Detention Period Procedures
Students serving detentions are to report to the detention room with pencil/pen and paper. They are not to bring books, jackets, school bags, etc. All school rules are in effect, including dress code. Upon entering the room, students are to sign in and take a seat (according to where the detention moderator has assigned students). The desks in the row along the windows are not to be used. Those who come late for detention automatically receive an additional detention. Students are to remain silent from the time they enter the detention room until they are dismissed by the proctor.
Disciplinary Probation
If the Discipline Review Board, upon reviewing a student's records, recommends placing the student on probation, the Assistant Principal of Men or Women will notify the parents by letter of this condition.