Page 39 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 39

 Students who are suspended for any reason are automatically placed on probation. A student who is placed on probation remains so for at least one full semester or until notified of his/her removal from probation. At the end of each semester the Discipline Review Board reviews all students who are on probation. Students whose behavior has not improved may be continued on probation or dismissed from Padua. A student who is placed on probation if suspended again may be immediately dismissed from Padua. Students on disciplinary probation may be restricted from extracurricular activities at the discretion of the moderator or the administration.
A student who exhibits poor behavior over an extended period of time is subject to dismissal at the recommendation of the Discipline Review Board and the concurrence of the Principal. In addition, a student who is on probation and receives a suspension is subject to dismissal. Any unlawful or dangerous act taking place on the school property or at a school sponsored function not only makes the student subject to civil penalties but also could result in suspension or dismissal from school. Gross disrespect and insubordination or harassment of a faculty/staff member, whether on campus or off campus, will likely result in dismissal. This final decision is the right and responsibility of the President.
Students who are dismissed from Padua are not permitted on Padua property or at Padua events at any time without prior written permission from the Principal or the Assistant Principal of Men or Women. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in police intervention.
Any attempt to deceive the school in regards to parent-school communication is considered forgery. Forgery of a parent’s signature on any school communication (detentions, student reports, etc.) is a serious offense because this undermines the necessary communication between the school and the home. Forgery of any type for any reason is punishable by at least a Saturday detention. Whenever a parent/guardian signature is required, the parent/guardian must personally sign his/her name; a student is never authorized to sign a school document for a parent/guardian. Additionally, an email sent to the school posing as a parent/ guardian is considered forgery as well.
Gang-Related Activity
Youth gangs and gang-related activity are prohibited. A gang is defined as any non-school sponsored group, usually secret and/or exclusive in membership, whose purpose or practices include unlawful or anti-social behavior or any action that threatens the welfare of others. Gang activity includes recruitment; initiation; a manner of grooming and/or wearing of clothing, jewelry, head coverings, or accessories which by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute denotes membership in a gang; displaying gang markings or slogans on school or personal property or clothing; having gang tattoos; possessing literature that indicates gang membership; fighting, assault, or hazing; extortion; establishing turf; use of hand signals, gang vocabulary and nicknames; possession of weapons; attendance at functions sponsored by a gang or known gang members; exhibiting behavior fitting police profiles of gang-related drug dealing; being arrested or stopped by police with a known gang member; selling or distributing drugs for a known gang member; helping a known gang member commit a crime; or any other action directly resulting from membership or interest in a gang.
If a student is suspected or identified as being a member of a gang, shows interest in joining a gang, initiates or participates in any gang-related activity, or has been approached for recruitment, any or all of the following steps may be taken:
1. Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately and appropriate intervention initiated.

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