Page 53 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 53
Fees for these tests are the student’s responsibility; however, students participating in the Free and/or Reduced Lunch program are potentially eligible for a fee waiver for the SAT, the ACT, and AP exams. Students who qualify should meet with their counselor at the start of the school year.
Field trips by students, accompanied by teachers, are an integral part of the educational program; worthwhile instructional trips supplement classroom activities. Students will not be charged a fee to attend required field trips. However, students will normally be charged to take part in optional field trips.
All school regulations are in effect during field trips. Dress code is in effect on all field trips unless otherwise noted on the field trip permission form. Each student going on the trip is to return a signed Parent Permission Form to the classroom teacher. Transportation will be arranged by the teacher; on occasion, parents are required to provide transportation for their son/daughter to a field trip site. All students must return to the school with the group. Any student, at the discretion of the Assistant Principal of Men or Women, can be denied field trip participation.
The following form is on file in the Business Office for every family:
Padua Franciscan High School offers four methods for payment of the tuition balance:
a. Payment in Advance – directly to Padua Franciscan High School
b. Payment in Advance – through MyPad (Blackbaud Tuition Management)
c. Monthly Payments (10 Payments Aug – May) – through MyPad
d. Monthly Payments (11 Payments Jul – May) – through MyPad
Payment of Tuition:
2. 3.
4. If the full tuition amount is received by July 31st, $250 may be deducted. Please note that the full amount of tuition must be received in the Business Office by July 31st, to qualify for the discount. Cash, money order, check or Blackbaud Tuition Management payment plan will be the accepted methods of payment. ACH and credit card payments can only be submitted through Blackbaud Tuition Management. As the full amount of tuition is not received up front, recipients of Ohio Department of Education Scholarships (Cleveland, EdChoice, Jon Peterson, etc.) do not qualify for
A non-refundable registration fee of $150 is due for course registration.
The tuition of each additional sibling in the family attending concurrently is discounted $1,500.
Scholarships and discounts do not apply to the $750, (deposit and registration) due in May. All scholarships and discounts will be applied to the tuition balance.