Page 54 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 54
the prepaid discount. No exceptions will be made to the July 31st deadline. The prepay discount will be forfeited if the payment is not in the Business Office on or before July 31st, at 3:00 PM. (For example, if the payment is mailed and it is received on August 1st, the prepay discount is forfeited.)
5. Tuition payments must be made on time. If three consecutive monthly payments are missed, your account will be referred back to Padua Franciscan High School’s Business Office, and continued enrollment of your student cannot be guaranteed.
6. If a check made payable to Padua Franciscan High School is returned NSF, a $25 fee will be assessed. IfthreeormorechecksarereturnedNSF,CASHorMONEYORDERSwillberequiredfor payment.
7. Students whose tuition accounts are in arrears may be excluded from participation in certain extracurricular or athletic activities.
8. Report cards, interim grades, “MyPad” access, transcripts, and diplomas are withheld for students who owe tuition, athletic participation fees, fines or other assessments.
9. No tuition may carry over from one year to the next.
10. Students with unpaid balances at the end of the school year are not recognized as enrolled in the
following year until such balance is paid in full, and will not be considered for financial aid, scholarships and/or other tuition reductions.
11. Participation in athletics and/or extracurricular activities is open only to enrolled students.
1. The tuition of each additional sibling in the family attending concurrently is discounted $1,500.
2. Scholarships and discounts do not apply to the $700, (deposit and registration) due in May. All
scholarships and discounts will be applied to the tuition balance.
3. If the full tuition amount is received by July 31st, $250 may be deducted. Please note that the
full amount of tuition must be received in the Business Office by July 31st, to qualify for the discount. Cash, money order, check or FACTS payment plan will be the accepted methods of payment. ACH and credit card payments can only be submitted through FACTS. As the full amount of tuition is not received up front, recipients of Ohio Department of Education Scholarships (Cleveland, EdChoice, Jon Peterson, etc.) do not qualify for the prepaid discount. No exceptions will be made to the July 31st deadline. The prepay discount will be forfeited if the payment is not in the Business Office on or before July 31st, at 3:00 PM. (For example, if the payment is mailed and it is received on August 1st, the prepay discount is forfeited.)
4. Tuition payments must be made on time. If three consecutive monthly payments are missed, your account will be referred back to Padua Franciscan High School’s Business Office, and continued enrollment of your student cannot be guaranteed.
5. If a check made payable to Padua Franciscan High School is returned NSF, a $25 fee will be assessed. If three or more checks are returned NSF, CASH or MONEY ORDERS will be required for payment.
6. Students whose tuition accounts are in arrears may be excluded from participation in certain extracurricular or athletic activities.
7. Report cards, interim grades, “MyPad” access, transcripts, and diplomas are withheld for students who owe tuition, athletic participation fees, fines or other assessments.
8. No tuition may carry over from one year to the next.