Page 67 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 67

 Students may use the building and school facilities after school hours only under the supervision of a teacher or coach. Unless special permission has been granted by the Administration, no student may be in the building or on school grounds after 10:00 p.m. on the night before a school day. No student is allowed in a locked area of the building without proper authorization and supervision. Anyone found tampering with any lock on school property will be subject to serious disciplinary sanctions.
Parents, guardians, and students are advised that Padua Franciscan High School, in order to maintain a safe and secure environment for the school community, employs a video surveillance system in public areas on campus. These recorded images may be reviewed by school personnel, police, and/or other authorities.
Padua Franciscan High School employs a school resource officer (SRO) to assist with the overall safety and security of the school. In specific situations (and when necessary), the SRO will read a student their Miranda Rights. If this is done, an administrator will call home to inform a parent/guardian.
Through the Christian Service Program, all students of Padua Franciscan High School are offered the gifts of humility and poverty in spirit as they follow the example of Saint Francis in loving service to others through Jesus Christ.
Students are required to perform four years of Christian Service at Padua. Students will receive specific requirements for each year through Campus Ministry orientations and Theology classes.
Freshmen Service – Overview
Freshmen will complete a total of 15 hours of Franciscan Service in any category: family, Padua, church or the community. A list of suggested service agencies is available to all students on MyPad.
● 5 hours – 1st quarter
● 5 hours – 2nd quarter
● 5 hours – 3rd quarter
Freshmen cannot start service until after the start of the school year.
Sophomore Service – Overview
Sophomores will complete a total of 15 hours of Franciscan Service to the church, community and/or approved Padua provided service opportunities. Community service must be completed at one of the agencies on the list.
● 5 hours – 1st quarter
● 5 hours – 2nd quarter
● 5 hours – 3rd quarter
List of Approved Agencies for Sophomores and Juniors 2021-2022

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