Page 68 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 68

 Junior Service – Overview
Juniors will complete a total of 15 hours of Franciscan Service to the community and/or approved Padua provided service opportunities. Community service must be completed at one of the agencies on the list.
● 5 hours – 1st quarter
● 5 hours – 2nd quarter
● 5 hours – 3rd quarter
Senior Service – Overview (Starting with the Class of 2022)
Seniors will complete a total of 15 hours of Franciscan Service to organizations or groups focused on the topic of their social justice project.
● 10 hours – 1st quarter
● 5 hours – 2nd quarter
The students use this opportunity to build a relationship with the organization and to learn more about their social justice topic. Students will conduct research and interviews for their project. Advocacy Project is completed during the Social Justice class.
General Requirements of the Franciscan Service Program
● Students submit all hours online through x2Vol.
● Service Reflections due in Theology class count as 10% of the final grade.
● The Service Requirement is a pass/fail grade to indicate completion of service hours.
● Students are required to perform four years of Christian service at Padua.
● Students will receive specific requirements for each year through Campus Ministry orientations
and Theology classes.
SEMESTER EXAMS (see also EXAMS, p. 40)
Semester exams are given the final four days of each semester. Families should ensure students are in school on those days. Semester examinations will not be given early for students who will not be at school on the days scheduled for examinations. In special emergency situations, parents/guardians should arrange with their student’s assigned counselor for special examination times. Students with unfulfilled financial obligations will be allowed to take semester exams, however, students will not receive semester credit until those obligations are met. Students will receive an "I" grade on their report cards until the examinations have been completed. Incomplete grades must be made up within TWO WEEKS of the end of the grading period.
Prior to posting, all items to post must receive approval from the Assistant Principal of Young Men or Young Women. Students and student organizations should post materials primarily on the hallway bulletin boards throughout the building. Students may also post materials in halls and classrooms. Only blue tape may be used to hang signs.
Padua Franciscan High School’s decision to close is not in conjunction with other school districts. Padua families will be notified by SchoolMessenger announcing a calamity day. Additionally, Padua

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