Page 87 - Padua Parent-Student Handbook 2022-23
P. 87
Seventh grade students may shadow in the spring beginning February 20 – April 21. Unscheduled visitors may be refused permission to visit the school.
Please note that we may have to limit the number of visitors we can have on any given day.
Catholic elementary students must wear their uniform on the day of the visit. Public (or other) school students must conform to Padua’s dress and grooming code on the day of the visit. The parents will be given all the necessary information when the visitation date is confirmed.
Visitors to the building must report directly to the Receptionist for a visitor’s pass. This pass must be displayed for the entirety of the visit and returned to the Receptionist before the visitor leaves. No visitor is permitted to interrupt classes or the educational environment. Anyone who causes a disturbance may be asked to leave the property and may be prohibited from coming on the property in the future. Persons, other than a student’s parents, who are coming to drop off or pick up a student, must wait outside of the building or in the lobby.
Under Ohio law, eligible students may obtain a waiver of the two physical education units (0.5 credit total) required to obtain a high school diploma. To be eligible, students must first complete an application form and submit it to their assigned counselor. Award of the actual waiver is based upon successfully completing two full seasons of either OHSAA sanctioned interscholastic sports or cheerleading, or participation in one of the three options of our Marching Band program- instrumentalist, Dance Team, or Color Guard. These may be combined in a single school year. Details are outlined in the Physical Education & Health section of the current edition of the Course Description Catalog.
The key provision of the Waiver program is “successful completion of two full seasons.” That confirmation shall be made by either the Athletic Director or the Marching Band Director. The Counseling Department shall keep records of students’ completion of the two-season requirement and ensure proper posting to the student’s transcript.
In accordance with Ohio law, students completing the requirements of the PE Waiver shall be required to complete a one semester/0.5 credit elective in lieu of PE to meet their graduation requirement. Again, please refer to the current edition of the Course Description Catalog for further information as to elective options.
The school reserves the right to amend or add to this handbook when warranted. Parents and students will be notified in writing of any changes.