Page 37 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 37

• Who was involved;
• Exactly what was said or what the harasser did;
• Witnesses to the harassment;
• What the student said or did, either at the time or later;
• How the student felt; and
• How the harasser responded.
The school will treat allegations of harassment and sexual harassment seriously and will review and investigate such allegations in a prompt, confidential, and thorough manner. As members of the Padua Franciscan family, we trust that you will embrace and practice these principles on campus and in your home.
Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is handled separately because of its potentially criminal nature. If an incident of sexual violence occurs, the principal or other school authority is required under state law to report the incident (O.R.C. 2151.421). The Department of Human Services and/or the police will be contacted immediately if there is any "reason to believe" (O.R.C. 2151.421) that sexual abuse or violence has occurred involving a child less than eighteen years of age.
Appropriate actions will be taken by the school in cases where sexual violence has occurred or is alleged. These actions may include removal, suspension, or dismissal.
General sexual harassment should be construed as sexual violence when the recipient is physically touched without his/her consent in a sexual manner; is expressly threatened or perceives a threat of physical harm for purposes of the offender's sexual gratification; or is the victim of sex offenses under Ohio law, including Gross Sexual Imposition (O.R.C. 2907.05), Sexual Battery (O.R.C. 2907.03), Rape (O.R.C. 2907.02), Importuning (O.R.C. 2907.07), Voyeurism (O.R.C. 2907.08), Public Indecency (O.R.C. 2907.09), or Felonious Sexual Penetration (O.R.C. 2907.12) as examples. In each one of the above examples, the Department of Human Services and/or the police will be contacted immediately.
Off-Limit Areas
The following areas are off limits to Padua students during school hours unless given special permission to be there:
1. Padua's athletic fields, lawn areas, garage area, and parking lots
2. The wooded area to the west of the school including the transmitting tower property. Loitering in
this area is always prohibited.
3. St. Anthony School, Church, Rectory and parking lot areas
4. All side streets and fields between Padua and Ridgewood Drive
5. Faculty and coaches’ offices
6. Locker rooms before 7:45 a.m. or during the school day, unless in gym class
7. 2nd and 3rd floor halls and stairwells are off limits after 3:00 p.m. unless under the supervision of a
After school is dismissed at 2:29 p.m., unsupervised students are not allowed in any classrooms, corridors, locker rooms, offices, or the gym. Students who are waiting for transportation should do so either in the lobby or in a supervised cafeteria and/or library from 2:45 p.m.-3:30 p.m.. Athletes waiting for practice are restricted to a classroom selected by and under the supervision of their coach or his/her adult designee. No other students should remain in the building.
Students who are entering and leaving Padua's property must do so by using the main driveway from State Road, Riester Street or Forrest Hills Drive. Exiting and entering via St. Anthony's driveways are not allowed. Otherwise, no parking, driving, walking or loitering on the side streets is permitted.

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