Page 38 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 38

Likewise, no loitering is allowed anywhere in the neighborhood near the school. Failure to abide by these rules may result in a suspension. Continued disregard of these rules can result in dismissal.
Students may use only the sidewalks and driveways near St. Anthony Church and Rectory. They are to stay off parish property and the lawns surrounding parish buildings.
Removal from Class
When all reasonable and usual appeals to a student have failed to bring about a student's conformity to a teacher's request for cooperation in the classroom, the student may be suspended from class. The student may be removed from class for the rest of the term. If the student is permanently removed from the class, all credit for the class will be lost and an F will be computed for that semester.
Saturday Detention
For those offenses that warrant a more serious response than a detention, but are not grave enough to warrant a suspension and probation a Saturday detention will be issued. The penalty for a Saturday detention is to spend two hours in school on the first detention Saturday following the Saturday detention notification. Students are to report to the detention room by 9:00 a.m. Tardiness will not be tolerated. Students are to dress according to the dress code and are to bring writing instruments and paper.
Some examples are:
• • • • • • •
cell phone violation, second offense forgery, first offense
Excessive dress code violation disrespect for faculty or staff members academic dishonesty second offense lewd, vulgar, profane behavior multiple Chromebook infractions
For the
ten detention suspension.
purpose of discipline records, Saturday detentions will count as four single detentions towards a
All property of the school, including students’ lockers as well as their contents, may be opened, searched or inspected at any time. School personnel have an unrestricted right to search these structures as well as any containers, book bags, purses, or articles of clothing that are left unattended on school property.
The search of a student’s person, personal item or handbag currently being carried is permissible when there is any suspicion that the student may be carrying contraband. Contraband, for purposes here, shall be defined as any weapon, dangerous objects, illegal drug, drug paraphernalia, or other item, the possession of which is prohibited by law or by school policy.
Local authorities may use drug sniffing dogs or other controlled substance detecting devices to detect the presence of drugs, other controlled substances, or other contraband (as defined above) on school grounds (i.e. lockers, individuals, vehicles, etc.) or at school sponsored functions. The school administration will cooperate with local authorities.
Smoking and Tobacco
Students are not permitted to possess, use, transmit, or sell tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vaporizers, on school grounds (including the adjacent property of St. Anthony Parish, busses, and bus stops) or at school related activities (home or away). Students in possession of or utilizing a vaporizer may be required to get a drug screen before returning to school. Students who are in possession of tobacco products or who smoke or chew tobacco will receive at least a Saturday suspension. Students

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