Page 47 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 47

7. Students with unpaid balances at the end of the school year are not recognized as enrolled in the following year until such balance is paid in full and will not be considered for financial aid, scholarships and/or other tuition reductions.
8. Participation in athletics and/or extracurricular activities is open only to enrolled students.
Withdrawal from Padua Franciscan High School:
1. A student is considered enrolled until a Notification of Withdrawal form has been completed in the Registrar’s Office.
2. The date of the Notification of Withdrawal will be considered the official date of withdrawal from Padua Franciscan High School.
3. Withdrawals after July 8 but prior to the first day of school will be charged $600.
4. In the event of a student’s withdrawal from Padua Franciscan High School after the school year has begun, tuition is charged for each quarter the student is enrolled.
5. Financial aid, scholarships and/or other tuition reductions will be forfeited for those students withdrawing from Padua Franciscan High School prior to the start of school. If the student withdraws after classes have begun, financial aid, scholarship and/or other tuition reductions are forfeited pro-rata on a quarterly basis, unless otherwise specified by the source of the reduction.
6. If a student withdraws leaving behind a financial obligation, report cards, interim grades, transcripts, diplomas, and athletic releases will be withheld until the debt is satisfied.
I have read and agree to the stated financial policies of Padua Franciscan High School as outlined above. Parent/Guardian
The signed “white” form must be returned to the Business Office with the Deposit that is due May 27, 2016. If the signed form is not received, the student’s schedule will be withheld. Please keep the yellow copy for your records.
The General Office/Attendance Office is located on the first floor to the right of the main lobby and is open weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No student is allowed in the General/Attendance Office without a valid reason. There should be no loud talking or loitering in or around the office. At no time is a student allowed behind the counter without the permission of office personnel.
Student grades are an objective evaluation of progress in tests, quizzes, written assignments, homework, daily class work, special projects, etc.
The grading scale at Padua is as follows:
A+ 98-100 A 95-97 A- 93-94
B+ 90-92 B 87-89 B- 85-86
C+ 82-84 D+ 75-76
C 79-81 D C- 77-78 D-
"U" grade: An "Undecided" grade may be given, for the first semester grade of a full year course, to those students who have shown consistent effort, but whose average is between 65-69%. Assignment of a “U” grade is at the discretion of the teacher. The "U" will count as "0" credit toward the G.P.A. calculation. If the student passes Semester 2, this "U" will be changed to a "D-" in June and credit will be given for
72-74 70-71
F 69 or lower

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