Page 49 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 49

Financial Literacy Ohio Graduation Requirement
E176 Financial Literacy is an online course that meets the high school graduation requirement for Financial Literacy as defined by the Ohio Department of Education. This course will be completed during the student’s junior year and will be a pass/fail non-credited course.
All obligations toward Padua (academic, disciplinary, and financial) must be satisfied before a student may receive a diploma.
The school Nurse or Health Aide is available on a daily basis during school hours.
Students who become ill during the school day must report to the Nurse's Office (Rm. 144) with a pass. The School Nurse will contact parents if the situation warrants it.
If a student is seriously injured while at Padua, he/she will be taken to Parma Community General Hospital with simultaneous notification to the parents or guardians. The hospital generally awaits arrival of a parent or guardian before administering treatment.
No student will be admitted to the Clinic without a pass from the teacher of the period they are in, except in emergencies. Any student not having a pass will be sent back to class or study hall to obtain one at the discretion of the teacher (this should ensure that students do not skip tests, speeches, etc.).
No student will be allowed in the Clinic for more than one period or study hall at a time unless it is an emergency or the student is going home. Any student sent to the Clinic during a class period without symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, temperature, or a known medical condition, will be sent back to class within 15 minutes (this would include general headaches, stomachaches, etc.).
Students will not be sent home unless temps are above 99.6, they are vomiting, have diarrhea, are visibly ill or have a medical condition or emergency which warrants this.
Students taking prescribed medications will come in at times designated to take their medication and then be sent back to class. If this is between classes these students will have a pass from the clinic to return to class.
The Clinic’s primary function is first aid. Clinic personnel are not allowed to diagnose. Therefore, students who have medical conditions requiring diagnosis or treatment should be referred to a physician.
The nurse will see that each student has had the required immunizations. Concern for the welfare of the student dictates that a yearly medical questionnaire be completed before they participate in physical education classes or interscholastic sports.
Vision and hearing screening will be done on all freshmen students and any others upon request.
The parent/guardian should inform the nurse in writing of any medical conditions or limitations that need special consideration and of any medication which the student is required to take daily. As such, the Medical Authorization/Medical Questionnaire Form must be received by the school prior to the beginning of each school year. This information is kept in the student's health record and referred to in case of illness. The nurse will see that each student has had the required immunizations.
All medication (prescription and over the counter) must be in the original container and accompanied by a written request from the physician stating the name of the medication, dosage, route, and time to be taken. Signed permission from the parent/guardian must also accompany all medication before it can be

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