Page 55 - Parent/Student Handbook
P. 55

Parent-Teacher conferences will take place in our cafeteria during the second week after the end of the first quarter and midway through the 3rd quarter: November 8, 2018 (3-8pm) and February 28, 2019(3- 7 pm).
We expect that all parents will take advantage of these opportunities to talk with the teachers. Parents should bring their child to the conference. Private conferences of about five minutes are held between teacher and an individual student's parent(s). These conferences are arranged for all parents and are set up for the benefit of each individual student. No appointment is necessary.
The front driveway is a one-way road, from east to west, at all times.
Padua Franciscan considers driving a car a privilege. It is a serious responsibility to drive on the properties of St. Anthony and Padua because of elementary and high school student pedestrians. Students are expected to drive slowly and with caution.
Due to limited parking availability, sophomores will not be granted parking privileges under normal circumstances. All spots are reserved for juniors, seniors, faculty, and staff.
All students who wish to park their vehicles on Padua premises are governed by the following norms:
1. The cost of a permit is $150 per year. Students must present a completed parking form, their car registration, driver’s license and the $150 fee to the Attendance Office.
2. Failure to follow the directions of a parking lot supervisor will result in the loss of parking privileges. 3. Students are to park in their designated spots only. No student is to park against the school building, or on any side streets. Parking is allowed only in the designated areas since clearance for buses and emergency vehicles must be maintained at all times. (See map of designated areas on parking permit application.)
4. Through the generosity of the Pastor of St. Anthony’s, we have been given permission to use a limited number of specific parking spaces in their lot. All of the rules and regulations in this section, which are related to parking and driving, apply to these spots. Absolutely no other cars will be permitted to park anywhere on St. Anthony’s property (in front of or behind the church and school.)
5. Speed is not to exceed 15 mph while on school property.
6. Courtesy, safety and consideration for others are expected of every driver.
7. Parking permits must be displayed while using the parking lots during the school hours. Driving without a parking permit will result in a parking ticket for the first offense and a ticket plus detention for subsequent offenses.
8. No student is allowed to go to a car during the school day without a pass from the Assistant Principal of Men or Women.
9. Littering or throwing objects from cars is prohibited.
10. Padua is not responsible for the safety of any car or its contents.
11. Once a student arrives in the parking lot he/she is to remain on the premises.
12. No one is allowed to sit in a car or allow anyone else to do so after arriving on school property.
13. Entrance to and exit from the premises is to be made by means of the main driveway to State Road, Riester Street, or Forest Hills. Exiting and entering via St. Anthony driveways is not allowed.
14. Students and parents are reminded that traffic flow along the entire front of the building is one way from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
15. School buses that transport our students to and from school are on very tight schedules. Therefore, as buses are in the process of exiting the property, buses should have the right-of-way. Those waiting to pick up students should not park beyond the posted sign in the front of the building.

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