Page 57 - Parent/Student Handbook
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strongly encouraged to regularly monitor academic progress/grades utilizing our online grade platform called MyPad. Parents will receive a phone blast reminder to check MyPad at the Mid-Quarter point at the end of the sixth week of each quarter. This Progress Report will include an interim grade and teacher comments specifically for students with a C- or lower.
Retreats are an important part of our program of Christian formation at Padua Franciscan High School.
All students will make a retreat during each of their four years at Padua under the direction of Campus Ministry. Freshman and sophomore retreats are scheduled within the scope of a school day, while juniors and seniors participate in an extended day or overnight retreat. Seniors must make a retreat during their senior year prior to graduation.
Any senior who, due to extenuating circumstances, is unable to attend his or her scheduled retreat must make alternate arrangements with the Campus Minister. Other retreat options sponsored by Campus Ministry may be made available to students, but students must first fulfill their class retreat requirement. Students will be charged to cover the cost of these optional retreats.
Students are encouraged to select a course commensurate with their goals and abilities. Consultations with counselors, discussions with parents, and recommendations of teachers will assist students in making these important decisions. Students are to select electives that are appropriate for their ability; Padua Franciscan High School reserves the right to re-assign or alter these choices if the student is to move to a higher or lower level. While we will attempt to schedule students for all courses that they select and are qualified for, we can only guarantee that students will be scheduled for those courses specifically required for graduation.
Further academic information is available in the Course Catalog issued annually in January.
The student’s assigned counselor must make schedule changes. Changes are not automatic. They are subject to class size restrictions and the availability of classes. In addition, required courses may not be dropped, nor are students allowed to have more than one and a half study halls.
A student may change their proposed schedule for the following school year without charge if the change request is made to their counselor by the third Friday of March. After this date there will be no charge only for a department recommended change, for a change made necessary due to a clerical error, or if a class is being added in place of a study hall. For all other changes there will be a $50.00 charge. This fee must be paid in the Business Office before the change will be finalized.
Classes may be added only during the first two weeks of a course, unless special written permission is obtained from the Vice Principal.
Courses that are dropped by the first interim report of the course will not appear on a student's permanent record. If a course is dropped after the first interim report of the course, the student will receive a WP (withdrawn passing) or a WF (withdrawn failing) and will earn no credit for that semester. A WF will be computed in the student's grade point average as an F for that semester. Once a student is in a course for 2 weeks past the course’s midpoint, he/she will automatically receive a WF for the semester if the course is dropped. Once the school year begins, level changes (i.e. Regular to Basic, Honors to Regular) may only take place during the first two weeks of the second quarter or the first two weeks of the third quarter. Level changes must have the approval of both the teacher and the department chair and are subject to class size restrictions and the availability of the classes.

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