Page 15 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 15
October is an excellent local visit opportunity. It is strongly recommended that students save at least one of their senior days for a last visit to their first-choice college for program auditions, scholarship testing, and/or interviews, including meeting with a coach, etc. Seniors are, thus, strongly encouraged to make maximum use of summer visitation opportunities offered by most colleges in June, July, and August so as not to be disappointed in obtaining permission for excused college visitation days.
After April 1, a senior may take one additional day for the sole purpose of completing course registration if their final choice college requires such early registration activity. This excuse must be specifically requested through the Counseling Department. The student must present their counselor, in advance, the official written request from the college to this effect. The counselor will verify with the college that this registration is only possible during school time, that there is not another alternative which would avoid an absence from school.
Each Fall, Padua hosts college representatives from more than 70 institutions. These are posted in Family Connection and announced weekly during morning announcements. Juniors and seniors are permitted to select up to three of these sessions to attend each Fall. Special passes must be obtained from the Counseling Department secretary at least one day prior to the scheduled college visit.
"Cut Days"
Padua's administration does not authorize nor permit any "cut days" (either whole or partial) for individual students or groups of students. These would be considered Truancy and would be dealt with as such (p.34)
Make-Up Work
Students are expected to contact their teachers upon their return to school. As a student enters upon a third day of absence – or if a three or more-day absence is anticipated – then the student’s assigned counselor should be contacted either via phone call or email to organize make-up work. Our expectation is that such make-up work would be available by the end of the next school day (e.g. call on Tuesday, pick up Wednesday afternoon). Assignments are then normally available at 2:30 p.m. in the Attendance Office. Another student may pick up this work if that is convenient. Alternately, teachers may elect to email make- up work directly to the student. If there is a course of particular concern to the student or parent, direct email contact with a teacher would expedite a response to those concerns. Counselors, teachers and Assistant Principals will determine an appropriate time length/schedule for makeup work to be completed.
Medical Appointments
Doctor and dental notes as well as telephone notification to the Attendance Office by a parent or guardian are required for all appointments.
The "Admit Slip" must be shown to all teachers to verify the reason for the student's absence.
Teachers will record in their grade books each time a student is absent from their classes for whatever reason (e.g. illness, field trips, appointment with counselor).
When a student must be excused from school or from class for appointments or other reasons, he/she must provide a written request, or phone call from his/her parents or guardian. This request must be made to the Attendance Office on the day BEFORE the student is to be excused or BEFORE classes begin on a day of partial release. When the student returns to school, he/she must report to the Attendance Office for an Admit Slip.
Prearranged Absence
The Assistant Principals have the authority to excuse an absence when it is judged to be in the best interest of all concerned. Students requesting an absence because of hospitalization, other educational opportunities, or vacation with parents should follow the procedures outlined below: