Page 17 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 17
who willingly provides information or answers to another student with the intent to copy is similarly and equally guilty of academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism is also a form of academic dishonesty. It includes copying, either verbatim or in substance, the words or even thoughts and opinions of another, without crediting the author. This can include written or computerized reference sources, as well as the major assignments and reports of other students.
In the event that a teacher determines that a student has been involved in any form of academic dishonesty, he/she will issue the student a double detention and will report the incident to the Assistant Principal of Men or Women. After review with the teacher, further sanctions will be determined which will likely include the assigning a grade of “0” regardless of the graded weight of the material involved. These sanctions will apply to any instance of cheating.
First offenders will receive a double detention and be referred to their counselor, who will discuss the value of academic honesty with the student and the student’s parents and determine appropriate assistance should there be an academic skill concern.
Second incidents of academic dishonesty will result in more serious sanctions, minimally a Saturday detention, with a possibility of suspension and/or dismissal.
A subsequent incident of academic dishonesty in a student’s high school career may result in a dismissal hearing. (See also DISCIPLINARY POLICIES: Saturday Detentions p. 32 and Suspension, p. 33.)
Academic Probation
Students are placed on Academic Probation if their semester or cumulative grade point average is below a 1.6. In addition, the grades of incoming freshmen will be reviewed at the end of the first quarter and any freshman whose 1st quarter grades fall below the standard stated above will also be placed on Academic Probation.
Students who are on Academic Probation are required to do the following:
1. Attend weekly tutorial sessions and seek help from teachers in the subject areas in which grades indicate the student is having difficulty.
2. Demonstrate the commitment to improve by consistently completing all assignments in a satisfactory manner and by making appropriate use of any available study hall time.
3. Schedule a meeting with his or her counselor and the Vice Principal to discuss any problems and to formulate a strategy to improve academically.
4. Keep his/her parents informed regarding the status and progress being made in academic subject areas.
Failure to follow these rules may result in an academic detention (issued from the Assistant Principal for Men or Women).”
A student on Academic Probation may be restricted from participating in some extracurricular or co- curricular activities.
Academic Dismissal
A student may be asked to leave Padua if:
1. the student is not performing according to his/her academic potential
2. a student is of average or above average ability and falls below 1.6 overall accumulative GPA
3. a student's cumulative GPA or semester GPA is below 1.0 for more than two consecutive semesters 4. a student has been on Academic Probation and has not complied with the probation requirements
5. a student fails to successfully complete the required summer school