Page 20 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 20
In addition, athletes are accorded a certain amount of respect and prestige as a result of their participation in Padua’s athletic programs. They become role models to other students as well as to youngsters in the grade school programs. With this status comes additional responsibility. Lastly, as school representatives in interscholastic competition, our athletes convey to the community the values and image of Padua.
When deemed necessary by the school Administration and/or its Athletic Department, school sanctions may be imposed including but not limited to detentions, suspensions and/or dismissal from school as stated on pp.37-38 in the Parent-Student Handbook, in addition to the athletic consequences listed below. Furthermore, professional assessment (including drug test) and adherence to any recommended follow-up treatment may be imposed as a condition for return to sports participation.
NOTE: prior to an offense being reported, if an athlete or athlete’s parent/guardian seek assistance from the coach, the athletic department or a school administrator with a controlled substance problem and/or incident and the athlete agrees to undergo a urinary drug sample test and participate in a tobacco education program or a drug/alcohol assessment, the athlete will not be denied participation from contests. Refusal or failure to complete the tobacco education program or drug/alcohol assessment and UDS test and to follow its recommendations will result in the denial of participation. The self-referral is still considered a violation for the purpose of accumulation of violations.
Use of any controlled substance (possession, sale, etc.) is not permitted throughout the athlete’s four years at Padua. Athletes observed anywhere (on or off school premises) using controlled substances are in violation of this rule. When an incident is verified by the school Administration and/or its Athletic Department, the athlete may be subject to school sanctions according to pp 37-38 in the Parent-Student handbook. The athlete may also have the following additional athletic consequences:
• First Offense:
o In-Season:Suspensionfromtwocontestsduringtheregularseasonofcompetition
(except for football – one game) as outlined by the OHSAA dates (‘season begin’)
beyond the date of completion of the school-related sanction.
o Off-Season:Suspensionfromtwocontestsbeginningwiththefirstdayofregularseason
competition (except for football – one game) as outlined by the OHSAA dates (‘season
begin’) beyond the date of the completion of the school-related sanction. • Second Offense:
o In-Season:Suspensionfrom50%ofthecontestsduringtheregularseason(includespost- season) of competition as originally scheduled for that sport. If the infraction occurs with less than 50% of the contests remaining in that season, the athlete will complete the suspension commencing with the first week of regular season competition in the next sport in which he/she participates. Athletes are allowed to participate in practices during the suspension.
o Off-Season:Suspensionfrom50%ofthecontestsduringtheregularseason(includes post-season) of competition as originally scheduled for that sport for the next sport in which the athlete participates.
• Third Offense: one-year suspension from all interscholastic sports, commencing from the date of the infraction, unless the infraction occurs during the suspension period for the second offense. In that case, the suspension for the third offense will commence when the second offense suspension ends.
• Any infractions beyond the Third Offense will render the athlete ineligible to participate in interscholastic sports for the remainder of their career at Padua.