Page 22 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 22

practicing or competing by the most qualified adult present (i.e., Doctor, Certified Athletic Trainer, Head Coach). This decision will be based on the individual's expertise and opinion that the athlete will not further jeopardize his/her health by participating. Communications by the athlete as to severity of pain, lacks of mobility, etc. are essential to this decision-making process.
4. For those injuries which will affect the student-athlete’s academic work, parents are asked to notify their student’s guidance counselor via email about the injury as soon as possible. The guidance counselor will assist the student-athlete with his/her return to the classroom and assist with any accommodations that he/she will need until he/she is healthy.
5. Rehabilitation: Nearly all athletic injuries require some form of rehabilitation. It is the athlete's responsibility to follow through with any such program assigned to him/her by the Doctor or Certified Athletic Trainer.
6. Home Care: Often times an athlete may sustain a minor injury that doesn't show discomfort until hours after it has been sustained. Such injuries should be treated with cold packs, elevation where possible, and inactivity. Heat should never be applied to a sports injury sustained within a 48- hour period.
7. Insurance: the parent/guardian’s health insurance carrier should first pay injuries requiring hospital treatment or doctor’s care. Any bills for acute injuries not covered by the family's insurance can be submitted through the school's secondary insurance plan. In order to process the secondary insurance claim, parents are asked to contact the school's Business Office shortly after the initial injury. All claims must be completed and filed within 30 days of the initial injury.
General Team Rules
1. The head coach of that sport shall establish curfew for each sport.
2. All athletes must have all equipment turned in before participating in another sport. All fines for lost equipment must also be paid for before participation in another sport.
3. Student athletes must conform to the grooming policies prior to the fall sports picture day through the end of the spring sports season. These policies are outlined beginning on pg. 46 of this handbook. This includes any practice, scrimmage or contest at any date during this time period, including weekends and non-school days (i.e. Christmas break, spring break, etc.)
Students are allowed the use of the gym, wrestling or weight rooms only if a member of the faculty or coach is present in the room the entire time the students are using the facilities. Students playing anywhere on the gym floor must wear athletic shoes.
Padua students, with the permission of the Athletic Director, may use the athletic fields.
Each player is personally responsible for all equipment issued to him/her. This equipment is to be handled with proper care. Damaged equipment should be reported immediately to the head coach. All equipment issued must be returned promptly at the end of the season. A player failing to do this will not be issued any awards or letters until the equipment is returned. An athlete from any Padua athletic team who steals, destroys, or intentionally damages property or equipment at Padua, home, or another school’s facility may be immediately dismissed from the team.
Padua offers intramural programs in a variety of sports and activities. Students are encouraged to sign up either as a player or a captain. Fun and good sportsmanship are the two main goals stressed in this program. All participants must have intramural permission/medical form signed and returned before participation will be permitted.

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