Page 42 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 42
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forgery, first offense
Excessive dress code violation disrespect for faculty or staff members academic dishonesty second offense lewd, vulgar, profane behavior multiple Chromebook infractions
For the
ten-detention suspension.
purpose of discipline records, Saturday detentions will count as four single detentions towards a
All property of the school, including students’ lockers as well as their contents, may be opened, searched or inspected at any time. School personnel have an unrestricted right to search these structures as well as any containers, book bags, purses, or articles of clothing that are left unattended on school property.
The search of a student’s person, personal item or handbag currently being carried is permissible when there is any suspicion that the student may be carrying contraband. Contraband, for purposes here, shall be defined as any weapon, dangerous objects, illegal drug, drug paraphernalia, or other item, the possession of which is prohibited by law or by school policy.
Local authorities may use drug sniffing dogs or other controlled substance detecting devices to detect the presence of drugs, other controlled substances, or other contraband (as defined above) on school grounds (i.e. lockers, individuals, vehicles, etc.) or at school sponsored functions. The school administration will cooperate with local authorities.
Smoking and Tobacco
Students are not permitted to possess, use, transmit, or sell tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and vaporizers, on school grounds (including the adjacent property of St. Anthony Parish, busses, and bus stops) or at school related activities (home or away). Students in possession of or utilizing a vaporizer may be required to get a drug screen before returning to school. Students who are in possession of tobacco products or who smoke or chew tobacco will receive at least a Saturday suspension. Students with matches or lighters in their possession will receive a double detention. If it is determined that a tobacco product, e- cigarette or vaporizer was used in conjunction with an illegal drug, it will fall under the Alcohol and Drug policy.
Student Threats
A threat has occurred whenever an individual believes that his or her personal safety has been put in jeopardy or challenged. More specifically defined as menacing in the Ohio Revised Code, ORC 2903.22, menacing occurs “when an individual knowingly causes another to believe that the offender will cause physical harm to the person or property of that person or a member of his/her immediate family”.
Any and all student threats to inflict harm to self or others should be taken seriously and reported immediately to the Assistant Principals, Administration or Principal by anyone who hears a threat. In such cases the report will be investigated and appropriate actions will be taken, which may include any or all of the following:
• removal of the student from class;
• the signing of a no-contact agreement by the parties involved;
• schedule changes to provide for no-contact agreement when feasible;
• notification of the parent or guardian of the student who has made the threat;
• notification of the parent or guardian of the person or persons threatened;