Page 43 - Padua_Parent-Student Handbook_2021-2022
P. 43
• suspension of the student pending a psychiatric evaluation and the receipt by the school of a written statement from a qualified professional that the student is not/does not pose a threat to self or others (see ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL: Therapeutic Absence, p. 9)
• the requirement of follow-up counseling if recommended in the evaluation;
• further discipline actions, including detention, suspension, or dismissal; and
• notification of the police.
When a student receives a total of ten detentions in one school year, that student is suspended and placed on disciplinary probation. The suspension will be entered into the student's disciplinary record. The penalty for suspension is to spend four hours in school on the first suspension Saturday following the suspension notification. Students are to report to the suspension room by 9:00 a.m. Tardiness will not be tolerated. Students are to dress according to the dress code and are to bring writing instruments and paper. A total of three (3) suspensions in one school year can be grounds for dismissal.
If a student fails to serve a suspension, the student may be suspended until the parents meet with the Assistant Principal of Young Men or Young Women. Failure to serve suspensions may result in dismissal.
Should the situation warrant it, a student might be required to serve more than one Saturday suspension or he/she may be kept out of school for one or more days. A student who is suspended out of school is responsible for all the material covered in classes, and may be allowed to receive credit for homework, missed tests or quizzes.
A student who is suspended out of school is not allowed to participate in any athletic practice or games or other school sponsored activities on the day(s) of suspension, nor on non-school days during the suspension period, including weekends.
Any suspended student who leaves the suspension room without permission of the suspension room proctor or who participates in an athletic event or practice or other school sponsored activity during the hours of a Saturday suspension or on the day of suspension will be suspended out of school. The parents or guardians of such a student must make an appointment with the Assistant Principal of Men or Women to discuss reinstatement of their child in school.
When a student receives a suspension, the Discipline Review Board meets and may recommend one of the following:
1. that the student be placed on Disciplinary Probation
2. that the student and his or her parents will meet with the Principal and be placed on Strict
Disciplinary Probation
3. that the student be dismissed from Padua
In addition, the Disciplinary Review Board meets at least two times a year to review the student discipline records and may recommend similar actions for students whose behavior has been unacceptable.
There are other reasons besides receiving ten detentions for which a student can receive a suspension. In general, any misbehavior, in or out of school, that in Administration’s judgment warrants that punishment can result in a suspension.
Some examples are: • fighting
• harassment or bullying
• drinking or possession of alcohol (at least 5 days for 1st offense) • unwarranted pulling of fire alarms
• tampering with safety equipment
• insubordination