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P. 12

For If You Forget Me
She is good, and she’s good at funny.
She will be the one who brightens your day, The one who makes you cry from laughter,
The one who isn’t afraid to show her crazy side,
She is good, and she’s good at angry.
When someone makes her mad, she will stand her ground. When she believes in something, she will do what she wants.
She is blunt and she is strong minded.
She is realistic and she is sensible.
She is generous and she cares;
She cares for her puppies and for her family, And for all people, she is passionate,
about music and the Walking Dead and her faith.
She was there for me when...
The boy played me and broke my heart
My dad got worse and my family started to fight more
I wrote the letter and got sent to the principal’s office
I needed to find God in my life and wanted to go to youth group too I needed someone to pray with me
The people who I thought were my best friends left
And all the night that I cried over people who weren’t worth it
She is my twin with her love for tacos and wings,
And scary movies, and head banging to good music.
She is my opposite, the Yang to my Yin,
Always bringing out the good in my bad and light in my darkness. She is my best friend, she is my sister,
She is my double rainbow, she is Christ’s image in my life.
And although she may be far away now,
And although I feel that she may be bored or sick of me, It doesn’t matter, she is and will always be,
The best thing that ever happened to me.
Even if our friendship ends,
Her memory will live on in my heart.
Autumn Franz ‘16
Sweet deception drag me under,
Blur my vision so that frowns turn to smiles,
Heart pounding breath slowing,
Underwater I am drowning, but also feeling better.
I can’t feel the tears falling down my face,
Or the dropping of my heart in my chest.
I see the sun beaming through in rays of beautiful bright colors , Like the memories of you softly kissing my face,
Us spinning to the music and you holding me close,
Running your fingers through my hair.
I’m not breathing but I don’t feel it.
My body is numb and I’m falling to the bottom.
And just like that I’m yanked out of my dream gasping for air.
I feel the tears, my heart is dropping.
The smiles I saw vanish.
Bright colors turn to black and white.
The warmth of your hand running down my face,
Turns to an unpleasant lonely emptiness.
My body is tired and worn.
People keep trying to pull me up, but I don’t need a lifeguard.
I need weights tied around my ankles; take me to the bottom.
Let the blur of sun take me over.
Drown me with the memories.
Make the tears subside and smiles endless,
So I can feel you kiss me one last goodbye before the oxygen runs out.
Autumn Franz ‘16

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