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P. 13

That Was Love
It was so easy, easy to love him,
Easy to leave all the past behind, Easy to laugh when he told me jokes, Easy to gaze into his deep blue eyes.
It became harder, harder to love myself, Forgetting about my own wants and needs, Letting the innocence of childhood slip away, Running myself dry trying to make others happy.
At first it felt right,
But soon it became wrong.
My friends told me he was using me,
But I was too hypnotized by him.
He started lying to get what he wanted.
I started changing myself to meet his wants.
He pulled me in by asking me to dance,
But little did I know, he wasn’t searching for romance.
I was falling fast and hard for him,
But little did I know, he’d let me land on the pavement.
It was early October; I was only slightly crushing.
It became the middle of November; I fell in love for the first time. It turned into late December; I was losing who I was.
But in early January; I finally gave up.
Then came next November; months of thinking about him passed by. He came back again, I let him in again, and I still don’t know why.
He thought I’d be naive, but this time, I did not give in.
So in April, he became uninterested, vanishing again.
Finally I realized how many months were wasted.
I spent so much time on a guy who cared less.
When he was there, he took everything I had.
He left me with nothing, but a heart of shattered glass.
He only took, never gave.
He only killed, never saved.
He was no prince,
But he turned me into a damsel in distress. He didn’t care about my feelings.
I gave him love, he gave me less.
He called that love.
How is that love?
Trap me,
The desire is there.
You’ve slipped, snuck, and slid your way through
And into the weaker parts of me.
All of my work, every ounce of effort sits in your hands now, Waiting at the guillotine for your hands to come down on them.
Could you choose mercy?
No, I suppose not.
While your teasing smile surely says otherwise,
I’ve spent too long under your grasp to not realize
That the love has all but been erased,
Pried out with digging,clawing nails that tear into your skin.
Is there hope?
It may be too simple for a yes or no.
For though it is true that you hold me back now,
Every day your arms grow more strained.
When the ache becomes too bearable and I inevitably fall,
I will finally be free, but not without a few aches of my own.
Jessica Merolla ‘17
Autumn Franz ‘16

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