Page 16 - Horizon 16 Online
P. 16

Beneath the Surface
Beneath the surface, where my heart abides, Tossing and turning in a sea of doubt.
The waves are rising up now and,
I don’t think I’ll reach the shore.
The seagulls caw in panic filled warnings,
Telling me to hurry quick before my ship can break, Before I can be drowned in the misery of fate.
My ship is old and fragile, and the water is rough.
The wind howls through the tattered sails,
Whispering in unsteady voices of “you’re not worth it,” And pushing my hair around me, tangling and strangling. I want to move forward and make it to land,
But the ship is rocking and swaying nauseously,
Through the irregular beat of my fast pounding heart.
I sink back, hiding behind the wheel,
Unable to decided whether I should face the waves, Or turn back before I’m shipwrecked.
My decision is unclear and I am frozen,
Letting go of my only sense of direction.
Terrified, I grasp for control,
But now the wheel is spinning too fast.
In a flash, it comes to a sudden halt,
Pointing me straight to the lashing waves,
And to the soft sand that I will find peace in.
The ocean cannot harm me now.
I thought letting go would kill me,
But the ship doesn’t need controlling.
The compass of my heart knows the way home.
Autumn Franz ‘16
The Snowman
One cold, dark, snowy Thursday night, while my Psych. essay I did write, I could not write any longer for Freud’s findings were a bore--
While slowly I began to snooze, I decided to check the news,
Truly a Snow Day I could use, use to finish my essay, sure.
“I need more time!” I said aloud, “Lose my A? No! I assure-- I’ve an A forevermore.”
I heard my ominous clock chime, that it was well past my bedtime. Even though it was twelve o’clock, I was not near done, therefore,
I began to type words faster, until I heard the newscaster
Send the news to the forecaster, “Heavy snow will start to pour.” My heartbeat was beating faster, so excited I could roar,
A Snow Day we have in store!
Outside, snow was gently flitting, but in the shadows was sitting,
A tall, white figure smoking a pipe, a hat and scarf it wore.
I could have sworn I saw it wave, so I decided to be brave,
“Mr. Snowman don’t misbehave, tell me a Snow Day I’ll score!”
The Snowman looked up with cruel eyes and gave me a smirk before He said one word, “Nevermore.”
I slammed my window shut, scowling, so upset I felt like growling, This snowman just denied my hopes, so his claims I would ignore. But as I saw his wicked sneer, and gave him my best angry leer,
I knew an answer I must hear, I shouted out like before,
“Is a Snow Day in my future? School I truly do deplore.” Said the Snowman, “Nevermore.”
I stormed down my stairs in pursuit, I’d kick this snowman with my boot! Anger flowed through me and once I had finally reached the door,
I trudged across the crunchy snow, shivering, freezing winds did blow. As I stared down my icy foe, I thought an answer was in store,
“Will we have off school tomorrow? Please answer! I implore.” He responded, “Nevermore.”
Bianca Frech ‘17

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