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Dreams The Love of my Life
Small visions leaving big impacts,
Sometimes forgotten, or remembered for a lifetime. Hidden thoughts rising to the surface,
Meant for our eyes and ears only.
An illusion worth remembering, or one of no importance, Sometimes serious, sometimes trivial.
Can hold the shadows that plague our past,
Can reveal the footsteps that lead to our future.
A fantasy adventure, one that constantly changes, A horror that makes you shiver in your sleep, Fears and desires discovered and revealed, Seeing reality in a different way.
Imagination running wild, eyelids fluttering away, An escape from the cruel world we live in,
Giving us hope, giving us ambition,
Dream, and dream big.
Emily Reeves `16
You’re all I want You’re all I need You’re everything That we’ve agreed
You’re kind
You’re smart
You’re funny and nice
But that’s not even the best part
You try to make
Other people smile
Through your actions and words You go the extra mile
Sometimes I wonder Just what it is
That prevents me from So being his
He knows not
Of my feelings for him But for him only now
I will go out on a limb
I want him to know
Of what I now feel
But he surely thinks
My feelings cannot be real
I wish he could see What I feel inside
What I know is so strong Yet still try to hide
You want me to be
A friend of yours
But I can’t do that
With this feeling that roars You really are
My only desire
And this be my only
Need that is not in vain but so dire.
Danielle Trybala ‘16

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