Page 32 - Horizon 16 Online
P. 32

Seasons of Friendship
Sunshine smiling down on me.
Weather just right with a nice cool breeze. Taking hikes, adventuring through the trees. The world all as it should be.
That was my summer by your side.
Leaves changing colors and falling down,
Screaming cheers after touchdowns.
Roasting marshmallows by the fire.
Good music, laughing loudly, staying up till we’re tired. That was my autumn by your side
Hot cocoa and scary movie nights,
Sled riding, snow fort building, snowball fights. Wii games, board games and ice skating, Sleepovers, youth group, retreats and praying. That was my winter by your side.
Flowers blooming and seeing baby deer,
Getting excited about school being over and summer near. Riding bikes, spending more time outside,
Laying out stargazing all the time.
That was my spring by your side.
Best friends since fourth grade.
Best friends when we’re old
Laughing, crying, always being there, Memories and good times we’ll always share. That was my life by your side.
Autumn Franz `16
Tick. Tick. Tick.
The sound probes my mind
Closer and closer to the edge
As the miniature arm erases the seconds.
50, 51, 52
A countdown of nothing to come,
56, 57, 58
A catch of breath, a rush of fear,
59, 60
The expected bang, the feared explosion Never comes.
Inhale, exhale.
Roll over and try again.
Plop. Plop. Plop.
The footsteps of water
Step chaotically on the roof.
A low, angry grumble,
A white flash of light
Hisses from the looming monster in the sky. Coming closer and closer,
He sweeps across the sky.
Count the seconds.
Rumble, one, two, three, four, five, six, flash. Crawling slowly to the window.
Rumble, one, two, three, four, flash.
Inching in, ready to attack.
Rumble, one, two, flash.
Head under blanket
Waiting for its attack.
One final low, grumble
And the footsteps cease.
Inhale, exhale.
Roll over and try again.
All is silent, all is calm.
Smash the clock; stop the rain. Zoom. Zoom. Zoom.
The rush in--
A thousand little bugs
Of should’ve, would’ve, could’ve’s Buzzing through my brain, Making the loudest noise of all.
Regret, doubt, worry Shouting over the little Ticks, rumbles, and plops, Refusing to be silent. Inhale...
What if... Exhale...
I shouldn’t have... Roller over...
But maybe... Keep trying.
Emily Musgrave `16

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