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P. 33

To My Ex-Friend
Life throws curveballs at you.
You better own a bat.
Unfortunately I have been left blue, Because my defense had gone splat.
Friends will get up and go.
They leave you for their own lives. Your sadness, never show.
Even if it feels like a thousand knives.
Show you are strong,
Stronger than they.
Sing your own song,
For you know better than to stay.
The battle is at an end,
And your happiness has begun. You will learn to mend,
And you will soon see the sun.
Kristin Tomoff `16
Reminiscent Dreams
Fond memories haunt me. Looming, laughing, leering, Always out of reach.
My mind envisions your smile.
The carefree crinkle around your eyes, As you throw back your head and laugh. Around me chimes your laughter, Twinkling with delight.
Sunshine beams like a heaven-send on your lovely curls. We embrace and all is well again.
Your sturdy arms hold me comfortably too tight.
The wind dances around us,
Encouraging our embrace.
I can almost smell my favorite scent,
Distinctly you, with a minty hint, calling to me like home. The whispers of the wind turn harsh,
Screaming at me now.
Tick, tick, tick, time’s almost out.
All eyes on you no more.
Beep, beep, beep.
Enchanted in this world of you, my chest aches as you fade. My eyes reveal reality.
Without you now, Alone again.
Emily Licata ‘16
When Life was a Fairytale
Sing me sweet songs like you used to. Rub my back as I fall asleep.
Hug me tightly and kiss me goodnight. Tell me magical fairytales.
So for once I can make believe,
That the world still is perfect,
And I’m still young and we are happy. Before the times that I grew up,
When my imagination was running free. No heart breaks or self hatred,
No tears on my pillowcase,
Or masks of makeup on my face.
Just back when it was simple,
And my reality was my dreams.
Autumn Franz `16

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