Page 40 - Horizon 16 Online
P. 40

About Blank Times Per Second
About 3 times per second
The teacher took all day
That’s what I would say
About 5 times per second
My legs hit each other with that speed Oh can I just do the deed
About 7 times per second
Now I rocked forward and back
Come on, cut me some slack
About 10 times per second
This totally isn’t fair
I hoped no one would stare
About 12 times per second
Back and forth, it came with noise
It was hard to keep my poise
About 15 times per second
Like a rocket my hand aired
Finally at least someone cared
I was caught in disbelief
Now to the bathroom I go to get some relief
Andrew Ketterer `16
An Artsy Sandwich
First, down with the perfectly risen split top.
Next, make waves with the miracle white sauce.
Now, comes the overlapping deep red waves.
One, two, three, four! Count the rigid green buttons
Let us rejoice! The thin feathery leaf is here!
Is it a fruit or vegetable, put the bright scarlet disk down Don’t cry. Lay the venn diagram of striped hoops on top
On the other hand, lies the split top’s sibling Place the juicy and sizzling patty with care Don’t forget the sunny yellow square
Put it together and taste the artsy perfection
Andrew Ketterer `16
Wrestling Coach
On the mat I lie,
Seeking the next kid about to cry.
I go over to help him find his way,
Without even seeking the slightest days pay
I go through all the motions and show him what to do, He looks at me with pleasure and says “thank you”
Practice comes to a close and I look around the room, Champions I see, that will make a big boom.
Eric Fasnacht `16
The Land to Sand
There once was a girl from The Land, Who dreamed of a life filled with sand. By some stroke of luck,
She found a magical duck,
That got her to the beach to be tanned.
Emily Licata ‘16

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