Page 8 - Horizon 16 Online
P. 8

Star Slinger
The chirp of the cricket pales in comparison
To the songs flowing seamlessly from your fingertips. A master creator, lover of all,
You seek nothing in return,
Only the happiness of others.
Gentle is the sway of the grass from where we sit,
But surely you do not know that, for while your body sits next to me, Your soul is drifting through space,
Dancing through galaxies and propelled by the inner rhythm
That only you can hear.
Your eyes glisten as our hands touch, but surely not for me. The love you hold is infinite, all-inclusive and never singular. It is naive to think I could move you,
When you have seen so much,
Slinging stars deep into outer space.
Not even the universe can contain you, Your kindness only grows,
And yet still you remain here, Complete, content, Confident.
Jessica Merolla ‘17
My Little Happy Place
As I sit under a tree,
In the nice summer air, With the grace of a book, And not another care
I look up at the sky
I see the blue birds flying so gracefully
As they sing their song that is like a wonderful lullaby Their chirps so peppy, it makes me smile
My surroundings are soft and quiet.
My place at perfect peace inside of me.
I am brought to my book again, ready to read.
I can get lost in my own little world I have created.
With the help of a great imagination,
These thoughts that bring me to life and put a spring in my step
These ideas of woes and joys.
I feel like a child is skipping inside of my head with my thoughts
A smile creeps on my face as I am lost inside my head.
Brought to my happy place, where my giddy bubble never breaks
Bringing it into my everyday life with a leap to my step, as if I am walking on clouds
I spring forth to my new beginnings, as my imagination takes me to where I need to be.
Kathleen Halle `16

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