Page 4 - Paduan Fall 17
P. 4

Rising to the Smiley Family ChallengePadua Surpasses PaduaPlus+ Campaign Goal by Raising $4.5 MillionDuring the summer of 2017, Padua Fran-ciscan received a signifcant gif of $250,000 to the PaduaPlus+ Campaign from the Raymond E. and Eleanor M. Smiley family. When asked what prompted them to give to Padua, Ray Smiley stated, “It is so important for me to give back to the institution that gave my son Keith ’85 and grandchildren Anastasia ’14 and Isabelle ’20 such a strong Catholic educational foundation. I think it’s fundamental to provide funds so those students who have the talent, willingness and dedication to pursue an education at a Catholic institution have the resources to do so.” Te Smiley family has also been generous sponsorship supporter to the annual Bruin Beneft for many years. Tey are presenting a challenge to others in the Padua community to join them in support of the PaduaPlus+ Campaign by making a gif. Rise up to the challenge, and join them in making a diference. Te goal is to secure 250 frst-time gifs of $250 or more to the PaduaPlus+ Campaign. Simply indicate that you are supporting the Smiley Challenge when you make your gif. PaduaPlus+ CampaignRestore. Renew. Innovate. Grow.Te PaduaPlus+ Campaign has reached its initial goal of raising $4.5 million. Given the tremendous momentum of the campaign, the Board of Trustees has authorized us to continue it. We hope to raise an additional $1 million. “We are grateful for the Padua families, alumni and friends whose gifs are helping transform our school and enable us to invest more strategically on what matters most—our students,” said Fr. Allan DaCorte, ofm, president of Padua.Te additional money raised will be used to enrich our science curriculum for all students and enhance our MedTrack® program, which helps students explore and prepare for careers in science and healthcare. During the summer of 2018, we plan to renovate two chemistry labs, one prep room and two physics labs. Tis will involve replacing the plumbing, ventilation and lighting, as well as installing state-of-the-art lab stations.Funds will also support the expansion and renovation of the northeast entrance, ofen referred to as the back entrance. Tis will be expanded by 1,300 square feet. Te addition of a protective canopy and lobby area will keep snow, ice and water from being carried onto stairways and nearby foors. 4

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