Page 5 - Paduan Fall 17
P. 5
Construction UpdateTe expansion and renovation of our main entrance and lobby began in the spring of 2017 and is nearly complete. Te new, enlarged main entrance has added 3,000 square feet to the front of the school. An additional set of doors has provided enhanced security and trafc control. Two lounge areas with seating provide a place where students can socialize and study while awaiting transportation. Te General Ofce has been renovated to improve trafc fow for visitors and students.Te Athletic Ofce has been expanded to better meet the needs of student-athletes and their families.Te Bruin Shop has been expanded to include a ftting room, adequate storage, and an additional entrance that allows guests to enter directly from the new lobby.Two classrooms on the frst foor have been renovated with modern drop ceilings, new lighting, fresh paint, carpet tile fooring and multi-media equipment, including interac-tive white boards and projection systems. All remaining classrooms will receive the same updates throughout the next few years. 24135