Page 49 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
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formulae, chemical quantities, stoichiometry, and the behavior of gases, kinetics, energy, equilibrium, and acid/bases. It is a laboratory course that utilizes problem-solving skills to prepare students for college Science courses. Each student is required to abide by safety rules as described in the Safety Contract. A scientific calculator is required.
Year 1 Credit Grades 10, 11, 12
Req: Successful completion of Biology as well as a G.P.A. of 3.5. Concurrently enrolled in Honors Algebra II/Trig or Honors Geometry/Algebra II; regular Algebra II/Trig with Departmental approval. Enrollment in this course requires an application with recommendation from current science teacher and approval by the Science Department.
Honors Chemistry is an advanced introductory course in the principles of chemistry. The students will receive challenging textbook and laboratory assignments. The course covers the same chemical principles as in regular chemistry, but the material covered is at a faster pace with more depth and with a greater emphasis on mathematics. It is designed for students who are interested in a science-related career field. Skills, techniques and concepts are taught which will prepare students to excel in a college-level science curriculum. Each student is required to understand and sign a laboratory safety and procedure agreement at the beginning of this course. A scientific calculator is required
Year 1 Credit Grades 11, 12
Req: Successful completion of Honors Chemistry and Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry or Honors Geometry/Algebra II, as well as a 3.5 cumulative GPA. Enrollment in this course requires an application with recommendation from current science teacher and approval by the Science Department.
AP/Honors Chemistry is designed to be the equivalent of a first-year college Chemistry course. This course extends topics studied previously in Honors Chemistry and introduces students to new topics, such as chemical kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics. The depths to which concepts are explored and the analytical skills needed in lab necessitate a strong background in mathematics. It is the expectation that students will take the AP exam at the end of the year.
Year 1 Credit Grade 11, 12 Req: Students who wish to take Physics must have successfully completed Chemistry or Physical Science.
Physics is the study of matter and energy. Emphasis is placed on the application of basic principles and problem solving using a hands-on approach. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamics, conservation of energy, momentum, rotational motion, gravity, electricity, magnetism, waves and light. Each student must complete one project per semester.
Year 1 Credit Grade 11, 12
Req: Successful completion of Honors Chemistry or Chemistry with teacher recommendation as well as a G.P.A. of 3.5. Additionally, successful completion of Algebra II/Trigonometry. Enrollment in this course requires an application with recommendation from current science teacher and approval by the Science Department. Honors Physics is a prerequisite for AP Physics. A student must take Honor Physics their junior year to qualify for AP Physics the following year.
Honors Physics is the study of matter and energy. It follows the same standards and curriculum as the regular Physics course, however, topics will be explored in greater depth and at an accelerated pace. Emphasis is placed on the application of the basic principles of physics and problem solving through lab experiences. Topics include kinematics, dynamics, energy and momentum, rotational motion, gravity, electricity, magnetism, waves, and light.