Page 51 - Padua Course Selection Guide 2022-23
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endocrine system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system. Students will be expected to review the information independently, complete online study questions, and take four online quizzes during the summer months. Students will also take a written final exam at Padua when they return in August. Credit will be issued at the end of the first semester. This course is Pass/Fail and is not calculated against the student’s GPA.
Summer Semester 1/4 Credit Grade 11 Req: Membership in MedTrack program, completion of requirements for grades 9 & 10
During the summer between their sophomore and junior years, MedTrack students are required to participate in a 60-hour Externship experience designed to help them (1) discern a particular healthcare career interest; (2) become exposed to professional behavior; and (3) gain experience in a healthcare setting. The Externship is structured as 40 hours or more of clinical observation (at least 20 hours with a single professional) and 20 additional hours of preparation and independent career research, including training regarding HIPAA standards and universal precautions. Students will receive credit upon successful completion of their experience, which includes a paper, presentation, and poster, among other assigned
tasks. With prior approval, a student may complete the Externship by the end of the first semester of junior year in lieu of a summer experience. This course is Pass/Fail and is not calculated against the student’s GPA.
Year 1 Credit Grade 12 Req: Membership in MedTrack program, completion of requirements for grade 11
The Honors Advanced Science Seminar is a non-laboratory capstone course for students in the MedTrack program. It serves as a foundation for the Living as a Disciple theology. The focus of the class is on the scientific process and working with information found in primary scientific literature as a means to analyze research and new developments in the field of science. Students will practice literature search skills, write in a scientific format, and design research proposals under the supervision of a PhD-credentialed instructor. The course culminates with several external and internal oral presentations, including one focused on the intersection of science and ethics.