Page 4 - Horizon Elementary Literary Submissions 2022
P. 4

  Once upon a day so bright,
There came, a floating, a light buzz—
The sound gets stronger and starts to last longer,
I hesitate, but become curious as one does— “Must be my head imagining,” I think—
“Just as one’s head does—“
Distantly, I remember the gentle echo of my past, Wandering in the wild wind, its wings that buzz—
Barry B Benson was here at last—
His wings fluttered, fluttered to lift his fat body of fuzz—
Every other bee is one he outdoes—
Never more shall I let the flutter make me a nutter— I clasp my hands, and strain to hear because
I cannot help but try to hear his faint utter— “‘Twas my imagination, it was—“
“Some ghost teasing me with a faint buzz—
How could it ever be he who outdoes?”
Soon I grew curious, curious enough to rise up— “There!” There he was—
He’s small—twenty of him could fit in one teacup—
Yes! I swear he waves! He does—
No more hesitation— I let him in, and come in, he does—
Barry B flew past with a buzz—
Above my bedroom door is where he chooses to sit— In his hand, a piece of rum cake he has—
The Raven, but Make it Barry B. Benson
Paige M. Incarnate Word Academy Mrs. Traci Borden Eighth Grade
I smile at him— “I like your outfit—“ He takes a bite of his crumb, whereas
I sit down to listen to what he has—
All he says is: “Ya like jazz?”
Mystery burns through me—
My hope fails— perhaps he didn’t understand my pizazz—
Afterall, he is just a bee— Before I know it, I start to spaz— “Perhaps he has forgotten me,” I think as
All he says is: “Ya like jazz?”
In a broken sob, I stomp my foot and scream, “God, who cursed me with luck this evil, and has
Crushed my childhood dream?” I can understand him, whereas
All he can talk about is this thing called jazz Quoth Barry, “Ya like jazz?”
My heart races in anger, eyes wide—
“Be gone, bee! You deserve a sentence in
Alcatraz! How can I support a bee who has lied? You cannot talk unless it is about jazz!” I scream for him to leave as
All he says is: “Ya like jazz?”
“You monster! You liar!”
I try to climb up to him through my spaz— “You
must have a brain with a look wire!” Barry
simply chews what he has, Watching very intently as
All he says is: “Ya like jazz?”

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